In the world of electric mobility, safety is key, and speaking into electric scooters specifically, safety measures have come a long way over the last several years. In this article we would like to shed some light into the industry as a whole and go over some of the technological advances that have proven to make these popular modes of transportation safer than ever.
First off, are electric scooters actually safe in general? Yes, they are. But like driving any motorized vehicle, e scooters take practice which builds confidence. Confidence leads to safer driving. Electric scooter accidents can happen, and do happen at times. In most cases, these accidents happen because of human error. Some models are safer than others, and in some cases, the scooter itself could have done a better job at keeping riders safe when errors are made. As the electric scooter industry continues to grow, manufacturers are starting to hone in on this topic and are taking huge step in the right direction. According to PR Newswire, “The compact e-scooter market size accounted for about US$ 626.8 Million in 2022 and is anticipated to reach US$ 806.3 by 2032”. From commuting, shopping, getting to school, or just having a fun ride around the block, it is obvious that e scooters are not going anywhere anytime soon. More focus on safety has to be the next step.
Common things to look for in your next electric scooter purchase:

Battery Placement – Believe it or not, this is a huge one. Many electric scooters these days have batteries on the steering post which can give riders a very unbalanced feeling, even when riding in a straight line. Removable or not, scooters with batteries installed under the foot plate offer the greatest balance. The low center of gravity inspires confidence when cornering and helps riders stay balanced on uneven pavement or gravel.
Lights – Lights on electric scooters (both front and rear) are a must these days. Many models advertise lights and may have a small light on the front but only a reflector on the rear. Working front lights and rear brake lights are imperative in order to safely see and be seen. Don’t purchase a scooter without them.

The list could go on, but this is a great place to start. As we mentioned earlier, most electric scooter accidents happen due to user error. Once purchasing your new scooter, take it slow, make sure your first few trips are local, away from automobiles and street traffic. Practice helps tremendously and gives you the confidence you need to ride safe and have fun.
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